Below are Video commercials and entertainment productions paid through Partnersone!
Rates at the bottom of this page!
Rates at the bottom of this page!
Five-Six Minute Infomercial For Your Business! (2,750 T)

Five to six minute finished video promotional production on your business location as well as professional in studio production for owner interviews. Great for repeat play in your business lobby while educating your clients about your products and services as they wait. Perfect for posting on social media, emails blast , TV and more.......!
National quality thirty second TV commercial production shot at you business location great for TV Perfect for posting on social media, email blast , TV and more.......
Thirty second TV commercial (950 T)
National quality thirty second TV commercial production shot at you business location great for TV Perfect for posting on social media, email blast , TV and more.......
Thirty second TV commercial (950 T)
TV show productions !
A few PartnersOne Members came together with a TV Game Show idea!
Thirty second TV commercial (950 T) National quality TV production in HD.
A thirty second TV commercial with over the shoulder and tripod video shots.
It's the starter production!
Five to Six Minute Infomercial for Your Business! (2,750 T) National quality TV production in HD.
Five to six minute finished video promotional production on your business location as well as professional in studio production for business owner interviews music and professional voiceovers . Great for repeat play in your business lobby while educating your clients about your products and services as they wait. Perfect for posting on social media, email blast , TV and more.......!
Thirty Minute Infomercial for Your Business! (3,500 T) National quality TV production in HD.
Thirty minute TV infomercial video promotional production on your business location as well as professional in studio production for business owner interviews music and professional voiceovers. Great for TV media placement, repeat play in your business lobby while educating your clients about your products and services as they wait. Perfect for posting on social media, email blast , TV and more.......! Ask Hertzock Entertainment
about super inexpensive thirty minute TV time slots!
"Steady Cam" Camera (750 T) National quality TV production in HD.
Any productions can add a Steady Cam and operator to a package. Commonly used in major film motion picture projects, the steady cam is used to create mobile access to super smooth camera motion. Perfect for filming objects in motion or applying motion to objects that are still for more intensity.
12 foot Camera Crane ($1,200 T) National quality TV production in HD.
Any productions can add a 12 foot Camera Crane with electronic pan and tilt head and operator for super smooth cinematic camera motion. Commonly used in major film motion picture projects.
Just add ($1,200) to any package on one location.
The Crane has to be broken down and built on every location so there is a $500 additional charge per-location. This charge only applies to any second or more locations.
BRB Network TV (The Baton Rouge Business Network)
TV Sponsores Billboards! (350 T)
Forty TV Ads every month on or BRB Network broadcasting on Cable 21 and AT&T U-verse!
Eight seconds per-ad. One time production cost to build/produce your Ad ($250 T)